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By: Q. Nasib, M.A., M.D.

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The axoneme originates from a basal body that resembles a mature centriole positioned orthogonally in relation to its immature counterpart gastritis peptic ulcers symptoms bentyl 20mg without prescription. Primary cilium formation is synchronized with cell cycle progression and centrosome duplication events gastritis diet нфтвуч purchase bentyl visa. This figure shows a three-dimensional arrangement of microtubules within the cilium and the basal body gastritis dieta recomendada order genuine bentyl. Cross-section of the cilium (right) illustrates the pair of central microtubules and the nine surrounding microtubule doublets (9 2 configuration). The molecular structure of the microtubule doublet is shown below the cross-section. Note that the A microtubule of the doublet is composed of 13 tubulin dimers arranged in a side-by-side configuration (lower right), whereas the B microtubule is composed of 10 tubulin dimers and shares the remaining dimers with those of the A microtubule. The dynein arms extend from the A microtubule and make temporary cross-bridges with the B microtubule of the adjacent doublet. The cross-section of the basal body (lower left) shows the arrangement of nine microtubule triplets. Each microtubule doublet of the cilium is an extension of two inner A and B microtubules of the corresponding triplet. The basal bodies appear empty because of the absence of the central pair of microtubules in this portion of the cilium. Electron micrograph of cross-section of the cilium showing corresponding structures with drawing below. Electron micrograph shows a longitudinally sectioned cilia from a respiratory epithelium of the nasal cavity. In addition, an alar sheath (arrowheads) provides a wing-like extension between the transitional zone and plasma membrane. The first and second basal bodies from the right have well-preserved alar sheaths. Basal bodies seen in cross section appear as more dense structures than sectioned oblique and longitudinal profiles of the cilia above. They most likely rotate the basal body to a desired angle in an effort to coordinate ciliary movement. Primary cilia were formerly classified as nonfunctional vestigial developmental abnormalities of 9 2 motile cilia. In response to these stimuli, primary cilia generate signals that are transmitted into the cell to modify cellular processes in response to changes in the external environment. In many mammalian cells, signaling through the primary cilia seems to be essential for controlled cell division and subsequent gene expression. Primary cilia containing a 9 0 pattern of microtubules function as signal receptors sensing a flow of fluid in developing organs. Electron micrograph shows a fibroblast surrounded by the extracellular matrix from the uterine connective tissue containing a primary cilium. The primary cilium is characterized by a (9 0) pattern of the microtubule arrangement. Note the visible basal body and doublets of microtubules emerging from the basal body.


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The preferred anatomical site for a bone marrow biopsy is the posterior part of the iliac crest (hip bone) gastritis hot flashes discount bentyl american express. A small amount of bone marrow is obtained by applying negative pressure with a syringe attached to the needle chronic gastritis diet plan buy bentyl with paypal. The aspirate is then spread as a smear on a glass slide and the specimen is examined with the microscope to examine individual cell morphology gastritis diet recipes food generic bentyl 20 mg otc. In bone marrow core biopsy, intact bone marrow is obtained for laboratory analysis. Usually a small incision is made in the skin to allow the biopsy needle to pass into the bone. The biopsy needle is advanced through the bone with a rotating motion (similar to a corkscrew movement through a cork) and later pulled out with a small, solid piece of bone marrow inside. After the needle is withdrawn, the core sample is removed from the needle and processed for routine H&E slide preparation. The core biopsy specimen obtained in this procedure provides for analysis of bone marrow architecture. It is typically used to diagnose and stage different types of cancer or monitor the results of chemotherapy. The right side of the image shows disruption of the bony trabeculae, an indication of an artifact from needle insertion in the area close to the skin surface. The lighter, more eosinophilic area near the tip of the core specimen without evident bone marrow pattern represents aspiration artifact. Photomicrograph (bottom) showing a higher magnification of the area indicated by the rectangle above. The bone marrow in this patient appears to be normocellular (70% cellularity) with normal hemopoiesis (see Folder 10. The assessment of bone marrow cellularity is semiquantitative and represents the ratio of hemopoietic cells to adipocytes. The most reliable evaluation of cellularity is obtained from the microscopic examination of a bone marrow biopsy that preserves the organization of the marrow. Smear preparations are not accurate preparations with which to assess bone marrow cellularity. As can be seen from this calculation, the number of hemopoietic cells decreases with age. Deviation from age-specific normal indices indicates a pathologic change in the marrow. In hypocellular bone marrow, which occurs in aplastic anemia or after chemotherapy, only a small number of bloodforming cells can be found in a marrow biopsy. Thus, a 50-year-old individual with this condition might have a bone cellularity index of 10% to 20%. In the same-aged individual with acute myelogenous leukemia, the bone cellularity index might be 80% to 90%. Hypercellular bone marrow is characteristic of bone marrow affected by tumors originating from hemopoietic cells. This is an example of hypocellular bone marrow from an individual with aplastic anemia. The bone marrow consists largely of adipose cells and lacks normal hemopoietic activity. This photomicrograph of bone marrow section from an individual with acute myelogenous leukemia shows hypercellular bone marrow.

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The connective tissue consists of an outer layer gastritis type a and b discount bentyl 20 mg visa, the epineurium gastritis diet бобфильм bentyl 20 mg free shipping, surrounding the whole nerve; the perineurium gastritis symptoms in infants purchase bentyl 20 mg fast delivery, surrounding bundles of nerve fibers; and the endoneurium, associated with individual neurons. Each nerve fiber consists of an axon that is surrounded by a cellular investment called the neurilemma or the sheath of Schwann. The myelin, if present, is immediately around the axon and is formed by the concentric wrapping of the Schwann cell around the axon. This, in turn, is surrounded by the major portion of the cytoplasm of the Schwann cell, forming the neurilemma. The external cover for the entire nerve is the epineurium (Epn), the layer of dense connective tissue that one touches when a nerve has been exposed during a dissection. The epineurium may also serve as part of the outermost cover of individual bundles. Figure on the right shows, at higher magnification, the perineurial septum (marked with arrows on the left image, which is now rotated and vertically disposed). The layer under the epineurium that directly surrounds the bundle of nerve fibers is the perineurium (Pn). As seen in the cross-section through the nerve, the nuclei of the perineurial cells appear flat and elongate; they are actually being viewed on edge and belong to flat cells that are also being viewed on edge. Again, as noted by the distribution of nuclei, it can be ascertained that the perineurium is only a few cells thick. The perineurium is a specialized layer of cells and extracellular material whose arrangement is not evident in H&E sections. The perineurium (Pn) and epineurium (Epn) are readily distinguished in the triangular area formed by the diverging perineurium of the two adjacent nerve bundles. The nerve fibers included in the figure on the right are mostly myelinated, and because the nerve is cross-sectioned, the nerve fibers are also seen in this plane. Each nerve fiber shows a centrally placed axon (A); this is surrounded by a myelin space (M) in which some radially disposed precipitate may be retained, as in this specimen. External to the myelin space is a thin cytoplasmic rim representing the neurilemma. These features enable one to identify the nucleus as belonging to a Schwann (neurilemma) cell. Other nuclei are not related to the neurilemma but, rather, appear to be between the nerve fibers. The latter is the delicate connective tissue between the individual nerve fibers; it is extremely sparse and contains the capillaries (C) of the nerve bundle. The edge of a longitudinally sectioned nerve bundle is shown on the left; a portion of the same nerve bundle is shown at higher magnification on the right. Included among the wavy nerve fibers are nuclei belonging to Schwann cells and to cells within the endoneurium. Higher magnification allows one to identify certain specific components of the nerve. Histologically, the node appears as a constriction of the neurilemma, and sometimes, the constriction is marked by a cross-band, as in the figure on the right. It is difficult to determine whether the nuclei (N) shown here belong to Schwann cells or to endoneurial fibroblasts. The white matter contains considerably fewer cells per unit area; these are neuroglial cells rather than nerve cell bodies that are present in the cortex. The six layers of the cortex are marked by dashed lines, which represent only an approximation of the boundaries.

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Source: http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=96557

     [published in ASC Technicalendar, ~spring 1989]