logo TechFest

Saturday February 15 10AM-6PM

Sunday February 16 11AM-5PM

TechFest is always held on President's day weekend

TechFest is held at Sinclair Community College in the David Ponitz Center (Building12), The National Unmanned Aerial Systems training and Certification Center (Building 13) and the UAS Indoor Flying Pavilion (Building 18). See the map with travel directions between Bldgs 12, 13 and 18.

The GPS address for the David Ponitz Center (Building 12) is 301 West Fourth Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402.

TechFest works through the Sinclair Conference Center and is not connected to the academic side of Sinclair Community College. The college can close, but the Conference Center will remain open unless there is a level 3 emergency or loss of utilities.

