Dr. Robert
E. Fontana, Professor of Electrical Engineering,
Air Force
Institute of Technology
collaboration with past Chairmen of ASC
This history has been prepared to record the many actions
leading to formation and growth of the Engineering and Science Foundation of
Dayton and the Affiliate Societies Council. It is based on information drawn
from many sources including: The results of studies leading to approval of the
basic concept, brochures and supporting documentation used during the building
fund campaign and subsequent Associate fund contributions, Council and Board of
Trustee minutes, Program Plan reports, as well as the personal recollections of
many individuals involved in establishing this important capability.
The concept of forming an Engineering and Science Institute
in the Dayton area resulted from discussions conducted during the mid 1960's
under the leadership of Charles W. Danis as President of the Engineers Club of
Dayton. The results of this study clearly demonstrated the need to create a new
and vital engineering and science complex for the practicing engineer,
scientist and technical professional. It was decided that the proposed
Engineering and Science Foundation was incorporated as an Education and
Philanthropic Organization in July 1966. As such, it was tax exempt and gifts
and bequests made to the Foundation were deductible for tax purposes.
The purpose of this organization was to develop a program of
continuing education studies designed to enable practicing engineers,
scientists and technologists to pursue a coherent sequence of courses to
maintain and enhance a high degree of competence in their professional fields.
The goal was to shorten the time lag between discovery and application of new
knowledge by providing courses tailored to professional practice and at
affordable costs. With the rapid pace of new technology development and
increasing international competition, there was growing realization that
learning was becoming a life long process wherein the practitioner was also a
student during an entire professional career. An interdisciplinary approach
during such studies would be followed with students encouraged to cross
discipline boundaries. The program would complement typical college programs.
Another purpose was to provide a home for the Technical Societies and their
activities through the Affiliate Societies Council. The Council would draw
together the many disciplines represented by the Societies while conducting
activities for the benefit of the profession and the community. A decision was
made to establish a center for continuing education advanced studies and seek
financial support from business, industry, foundations, and practicing
engineers and scientists to construct a building for these purposes, later
named the Eugene W. Kettering Engineering and Science Center.
It was recognized throughout these discussions that the
technical societies and their members would assume a vital role in implementing
and maintaining this new capability. they represented the many technical
disciplines involved, and through their members were capable of providing the
technical expertise for organizing and teaching courses geared to the needs of
practicing engineers. They were recognized as a valuable resource in the
development of the institute’s educational programs and community services in
the various areas of science and technology. The Affiliate Societies Council
was formed in 1969 to strengthen and coordinate efforts of the technical
societies and establish a close working relationship as part of the Engineering
and Science institute. Initial membership included 31 societies with an
aggregate of 8,000 local members. Steven Heller, who had been an active
participant during the discussions leading to formation of the institute, was
elected the first Chairman of the Affiliate Societies Council.
A vigorous Building Fund Campaign was conducted during 1967
to obtain the financial support of $1,750,000 required to purchase the land and
construct the building for housing the Eugene W. Kettering Engineering and
Science Center, and to provide operating funds until the program became
self-supporting. Business, industry and foundations, as well as individual
engineers and scientists, provided generous financial support for establishing
this new capability. Business and industry encouraged their employees to
contribute as part of their effort. The Institute's planned program was
described as “for the benefit of the technical societies and all engineers and
scientists in the area.” Further it would provide:
center for continuing advanced studies for engineers, scientists and
- A
nationally unique home for the local technical societies.
- An
assist to the community by serving as a source of scientific and
engineering information.
- A
center for career guidance and counseling activities.
- A
means to publicize achievements of engineers and scientists in the
Over 3000 contributors donated funds toward making this
concept a reality.
Steven Marras assumed major responsibilities during the
funding campaign, planning, construction and implementation stages as Managing
Director for the institute. During the interim period he consulted with
industry, business and the technical societies while determining specific
course requirements. Working with many volunteers from the technical community,
he established plans for education programs including the recruiting of
qualified faculty resources from industry, government and academic institutions
capable of developing and teaching practical courses with the desired emphasis
on professional practice. Through considerable dedicated effort on his part,
construction was completed, course requirements established, faculty resources
identified and information on course schedules announced throughout the
technical community. The Eugene W. Kettering Engineering and Science Center was
dedicated during ceremonies on April 28-29, 1971.
As Managing Director, Mr. Marras worked with the Affiliate
Societies Council in meeting requirements for overall support of Council
activities. Basic services included the use of Center facilities to house
technical society activities, provide societies with a standardized address and
telephone number, meeting rooms, telephone answering and information services,
mail boxes for receipt of mail, file drawers for society records, secretarial
services, preparation of literature and mailings. In addition, the Institute
provided funding support for specialized meetings and conferences such as the
Professional Development Conference, Leadership Training Workshop, Annual
Meeting and a variety of community services such as career guidance and
counseling activities and publicizing the activities and achievements of
engineers and scientists.
Good progress was made in meeting the requirement to conduct
continuing education directed toward practicing engineers and scientists. As
Chairman of the Affiliate Societies Council 1971-1972, David Wells established
the Education Committee, chaired by Robert E. Fontana, to determine
requirements for continuing education. Special sub-committees were formed for
various disciplines to evaluate and recommend courses based on inputs from
industry and using organizations. During this period the program for conducting
annual Professional Development Conferences was established. They involved
participants from business, industry, government, academic institutions and
technical societies. Initial workshops were designed to evaluate progress in
meeting the needs of practicing engineers and scientists. Results were positive
with recommendations to continue technical courses while adding courses
designed to improve technical communication, management and manufacturing
skills. Despite success in providing desired courses at reasonable cost, the
total tuition income was falling far short of expenses to operate the Center.
Although the use of classrooms during evening hours was considered
satisfactory, use during the daytime was limited. Although various measures
were taken to improve efficiency and lease rental space, operating costs
continued to exceed income. In the interest of making courses as broadly
available as possible, the Board of Trustees and Council decided not to
increase tuition. Instead, they sought to supplement the Institute's operating
revenues through voluntary Associate contributions. A brochure outlining the
mission of the institute's program “to support the technical societies and all
engineers and scientists in the area” was distributed to the technical
community as an invitation to become an Associate of the Institute through a
nominal contribution. It was hoped that the Institute would become
self-supporting after the initial growing years of its existence.
After several years of operation, it became clear that the
goal of becoming self-supporting could not be met. The prospect of making
frequent requests for contributions from the technical community was not
considered desirable. After considerable study the Trustees arrived at a
proposal involving leasing the Engineering and Science Center to Wright State
University. On January 29, 1974 the Institute entered into an agreement with
Wright State University, in which the Institute agreed to lease its facilities
to the University. The lease was to become effective on June 1, 1974, for ten
years, with monthly rental of $10,394. The University had the option at any
time beginning June 1, 1980 and ending May 31, 1984, to purchase the property
at the fair market values as submitted by three professional appraisers. The
University agreed to assume and continue educational activities of the
Institute. For these services the Institute agreed to reimburse the University
$85,000 per year during the first three years of the lease and $65,000 per year
thereafter. As part of the agreement the name of the Engineering and Science
Institute of Dayton was changed to the Engineering and Science Foundation of
Dayton on May 21, 1974.
During the interim period (January 29, 1974 to May 31, 1974)
this agreement was discussed during the Annual meeting of the Affiliate
Societies Council, in May 1974. As Chairman of the Council, Dr. Fontana invited
Dr. Robert J. Kegerreis, President, Wright State University, to discuss the
agreement and its impact on Council programs with Council Delegates. Some
members expressed concern that Council programs could be diluted and whether
the scope and content of continuing education opportunities could remain
consistent with the Institute mission under the proposed arrangement.
Reassurances were provided at that time of the intent to enhance such programs.
Related discussions during the May 20,1974 Board of Trustees meeting provided
further reassurance on this subject as follows: ....this Institute was
brought into being through the efforts of many people and with money
contributed by interested persons and corporations and foundations....the Board
developed the mission of the Institute and wished to see the mission
perpetuated.. The Board of Trustees Chairman Campbell indicated that there
were no further questions concerning the lease or the agreement and the
appropriate names were affixed to the lease which became effective on June 1,
These actions served to establish a sound financial basis
for conducting the Foundation's mission. Funding in support of Affiliate
Society operations and programs was assured with additional funds remaining for
scholarships and proposals from other sources for direct support by the
Foundation. Wright State University subsequently purchased the property in 1982
and income from the resulting funds has provided the basis for sustaining these
The Council now [1988]
includes 55 engineering and science related professional societies with a
combined membership in the Dayton area exceeding 15,000. In addition to
providing basic Society Services, major programs include:
Continuing Education which
includes a Seminar Sponsorship Program, an Annual Professional Development
Conference which organizes workshops on topics of timely interest to the
community, and the Dayton Technicalendar which provides the membership timely
information on scheduled technical activities.
Career Guidance is
organized to simulate student interest by providing career information in
various fields of engineering and science. A conference promotes an interchange
between teachers, counselors, industry and societies relative to career
opportunities. A Junior Achievement skill symposium is held where
professional leaders discuss the functions and provide guidance in
organizational work with students. Under this business sponsored practical
program, students manage their own companies with the guidance of adult
advisors and teachers. They develop an awareness of challenges and responsibilities
faced in corporations and an understanding of the American free enterprise
business system.
Engineers and Scientists Week,
originally observed and sponsored by the Dayton Society of Professional
Engineers as part of the National Engineers Week activities of the National
Society of Professional Engineers, provides an opportunity to recognize and
publicize the achievements of engineers and scientists in the greater Dayton
area. The feature event of the week is the Annual Awards Banquet where outstanding
engineers and scientists are honored for important professional achievements
and contributions.
Leadership Training involves
a leadership training workshop on “Interpersonal Dynamics.” This program
acquaints professional engineers and engineering students with useful
interpersonal skills and brings engineers and students together in an
environment that stimulates their growth.
The current Affiliate Societies Council 87-88 budget
approved by the Foundation is $64,525. Aside from the salaries for a part time
director and office secretary, all programs are conducted without compensation.
Many dedicated professionals devote considerable personal time and effort to
the programs outlined above. Except for the Annual Awards Banquet during
Engineers and Scientists Week and the Leadership Training Workshop, many
activities by their nature and audience are not likely to produce income.
Participants in such programs involve high school teachers, counselors,
students and volunteers. They are capable of providing great dividends in terms
of approaches for resolving critical issues and deficiencies in our educational
system. The Affiliate Societies Council and its programs through its support
from the Foundation represents a nationally unique capability which brings the
technical societies together while addressing areas of common interest of great
benefit to the profession and community.
Although the basic mission of developing a program of
continuing education courses geared to the needs of the practicing engineer is
not being met directly by the Foundation, the Council, through its workshops is
exerting a strong positive influence on the quality of education at all levels
within the community by identifying continuing education requirements from
industry and other users and communicating these needs to educational
institutions. The Council has organized a series of professional development
workshops where representatives from industry, educational institutions,
government and school systems interact on critical educational problems facing
the nation. Quality of education, curriculum requirements in meeting the needs
of industry, faculty development, productivity, creativity, maintaining the
nations competitiveness in world markets, represent typical topics of timely interest.
Many of our individual Technical Societies have assumed a leadership role by
providing practical tutorials on emerging areas of technology in conjunction
with their professional conferences. For example, the Dayton Section of the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has conducted one day
tutorials as part of the National Aerospace and Electronics conference during
the past ten years at affordable costs. Timely topics in recent years have
included embedded computer applications, software engineering, logic design,
artificial intelligence/expert systems, modern control applications,
information systems and fiber optic communications. They are designed
specifically hr the practicing engineer and include class notes prepared by
experts in their field. Many other societies are involved in similar
Many members of the Council have contributed to the success
of the programs. A few including some Past Chairmen, Officers and Committee
Chairmen, have consistently devoted great time and effort while conducting
Council activities such as organizing conferences, planning meetings, engineers
week activities, special studies, recruiting volunteers, career guidance,
leadership training and administrative responsibilities. One individual who stands
out as a major contributor to the Council throughout its existence is E. N.
“AI” Ipiotis. In addition to serving in all the areas mentioned above, he
personally was able to attract participation of Chief Engineers, Senior
Executives, School Officials, Deans and Department Heads in many council
activities. His creative approach in establishing important new capabilities
consistent with the Council mission and managing programs served to stimulate
the growth and integrity of the entire effort.
The several chairpersons who have perpetuated and continued
the Affiliate Societies Council, and the years of their service are listed